This is one of those things that makes the internet such a valuable resource.
A fellow named Tony Adams did the painstaking task of watching reruns of as many Astros' games as he could find. Then he documented the number of times someone banged on a garbage can -- one of the signals used by the sign watcher to alert a batter what kind of pitch to expect.
Here's his opening statement:
I’m an Astros fan. They cheated during the 2017 regular season — the evidence is clear. In an attempt to understand the scope of the cheating and the players involved, I decided to listen to every pitch from the Astros’ 2017 home games and log any banging noise I could detect. These are the results of my efforts. I’ve logged over 8,200 pitches and found banging before over 1,100 of those pitches.
See a bar graph of his results at Sign Stealing Scandal.
It's a truly remarkable piece of work.
3:33 PM 2/4/2020