This doesn't appear to be satire. However, one has to reason that Democrats will lie to pollsters to emphasize their dislike of Donald Trump.
Whatever the case, The University of Massachusetts Lowell conducted a YouGov poll of mostly Democrats, and one question in particular is worth noting. Here's the headline from University poll finds New Hampshire Democrats choose human extinction over Trump re-election.
The screenshot the below features the question and responses.
But the tell that it's a bluff can be found in question UML908 which purports to show that only 5% approve of Trump's handling his job as president.
That's very far off from recent poll results of some of the more famous pollsters. And it's probably a good indicator of the bias among the respondents.
The poll results can be see at UMass LowellSurvey of New Hampshire Democratic Primary Voters.
Oh, by the way. For anyone who doesn't remember the phrase in the headline, "better dead than red," that was a slogan was a response during the cold war to Khrushchev's threat to bury us. Khrushchev later revised his threat with the prediction that gullible Americans would eventually vote in communism. That one is still unresolved.
1:13 PM 2/9/2020