This reads like something out of cold war spy history. Henry Kyle Frese was a Defense Intelligence Agency who had a top secret clearance. And his girl friend got him to share some of those secrets with her. From Intelligence agent arrested for spilling secrets to journalists:
Frese and the journalist had the same residential address for a year starting in August 2017 and, based on Frese’s social media pages, “it appears that they were involved in a romantic relationship for some or all of that period of time,” the feds said in a statement.
The release of the unspecified secrets could be “expected to cause exceptionally grave harm to the national security of the United States,” they said, adding that foreign countries could use the information against their rivals, possibly placing US lives at risk.
The main stream media apparently uses honey traps and swallows to get secrets that can be turned into headlines. Never mind who gets hurt. And apparently in this case, the journalists got off scot free.
1:18 PM 2/22/2020