There is probably near universal support for an abolition of the twice yearly government mandated time change. It's a shame there are never enough representatives in favor of locking in a time. In Texas someone is always attempting to get the law changed. But like clockwork, those efforts wind down in committee.
In any event, the federal government would have to approve even if Texas lawmakers succeeded.
Maybe we need Sanctuary Time Zones whereby a state would set its time free of federal government rule.
Meanwhile, we all have to suffer this human caused jet lag just so we can somehow benefit from a dubious benefit of going back and forth an hour twice a year.
Here’s Why Health Experts Want to Stop Daylight-Saving Time;
LockTheClock - Stop Changing Clocks for Daylight Saving Time;
Changing clocks is bad for your health, but which time to choose?;
Florida voted to stop resetting clocks, so why are we doing it March 8?.
1:48 PM 3/7/2020