Imagination and innovation are often triggered by desperation. This time innovation has brought us the theory that nicotine might actually be useful in the fight against covid-19.
This idea came from the French as described in Was Hockney RIGHT? French researchers to give nicotine patches to coronavirus patients and frontline workers after lower rates of infection were found among smokers:
French researchers are planning to trial whether nicotine patches will help prevent - or lessen the effects of - the deadly coronavirus.
Evidence is beginning to show the proportion of smokers infected with coronavirus is much lower than the rates in the general population.
Scientists are now questioning whether nicotine could stop the virus from infecting cells, or if it may prevent the immune system overreacting to the infection.
They may be onto something. Authors in explains how the virus tries to wipe us out in How does coronavirus kill? Clinicians trace a ferocious rampage through the body, from brain to toes. Here's a short excerpt addressing the immune system:
Some clinicians suspect the driving force in many gravely ill patients’ downhill trajectories is a disastrous overreaction of the immune system known as a “cytokine storm,” which other viral infections are known to trigger. Cytokines are chemical signaling molecules that guide a healthy immune response; but in a cytokine storm, levels of certain cytokines soar far beyond what’s needed, and immune cells start to attack healthy tissues. Blood vessels leak, blood pressure drops, clots form, and catastrophic organ failure can ensue.
It's no secret that nicotine acts as a mild depressant of the immune system. There probably aren't any stats on people who actually use nicotine for the sole purpose of alleviating symptoms of those diseases in which their own immune systems attack some organ. But they are out there comfortably appreciating the relief nicotine gives them.
So now we are slowly learning that they also might be helping themselves ward off the most devastating part of the coronavirus.
Doctors have been so indoctrinated against smoking that they are loath to suggest any remedy that uses nicotine. And this is not enough of a reason to start smoking. But there are other ways to get nicotine into the system, and anyone willing to try can come up with a way that doesn't involve lighting up.
2:25 PM 4/26/2020