A big part of the Coronavirus panic is likely caused by the fear of being subjected to 14 days of quarantine while symptom free. But it's entirely possible that 14 days is too long.
According to a study recently released about the average incubation time, the mean was 5–7 days while the median was 5.1 days. The report can be found at New Study on COVID-19 Estimates 5.1 Days for Incubation Period. Quote:
The analysis suggests that about 97.5 percent of people who develop symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection will do so within 11.5 days of exposure. The researchers estimated that for every 10,000 individuals quarantined for 14 days, only about 101 would develop symptoms after being released from quarantine. ...
The new estimate of 5.1 days for the median incubation period of SARS-CoV-2 is similar to estimates from the earliest studies of this new virus, which were based on fewer cases. This incubation period for SARS-CoV-2 is in the same range as SARS-CoV, a different human-infecting coronavirus that caused a major outbreak centered in southern China and Hong Kong from 2002–04. For MERS-CoV, a coronavirus that has caused hundreds of cases in the Middle East, with a relatively high fatality rate, the estimated mean incubation period is 5–7 days.
Via Study Finds.
1:55 PM 3/11/2020