The new book out by Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, Rogue Spooks, provides a pretty good summary of the events that concluded in the CIA and FBI working to hurt the Trump presidency. Anyone who follows the news probably already knew most of it. But the authors connect the dots with theories of how it came to be.
One chapter of interest to me was the one titled, "How the intelligence community went from red to blue." The intro to that chapter follows:
The CIA and the FBI have always been bastions of the right. It was the FBI that was filled with anti-communist zealots who hunted down those they considered to be "disloyal." And the CIA patrolled America's borders, intervening to stop any other country from falling under Moscow or Beijing spell.
So they should have been in the cheering section saluting a Trump victory with all they had.
But, instead, they recoiled so violently against Trump that they became the key participants in the virtual coup mounted by the rogue spooks to stop him from governing.
The transformation of the intelligence community from red to blue may stand as one of the most enduring achievements of the Obama presidency-or at least one of the hardest to erase.
When Obama and his Liberal allies saw Trump about to enter the White House, they decided to deploy their weapon of choice against him: leaks from the intelligence community. Having taken care to scrub the intelligence agencies to expunge any taint of conservative thinking, these agencies were perfectly positioned to do Obama's will.
And, in the media, he had a compliant, liberal/radical institution only too happy to print the leaks his people would be handing out.
The intelligence community has long realized that it has two ways to influence public policy in Washington. It can go legitimately up the chain of command to the president, arguing the merits of its case. or it can go outside the process entirely-go rogue-and leak information- or disinformation-to a media wiling and eager to do its bidding.
As the abomination of a Trump presidency neared the oval office, they decided to kill Trump by leaking.
The authors pin the problem on Obama with John Brennan doing the leg work to fill slots with people dedicated to the progressive agenda. Another interesting chapter was the one on Michael Flynn. The deep state spooks found out he lied about some of his contacts, and they played it into an op that brought Flynn fame, shame and trouble with special counsel Robert Mueller.
Anyway, the book is an interesting collection of factoids and possible reasons behind the acts. And although Trump opponents might brand them as conspiracy theories, those theories have a ring of truth to them.
Meanwhile, to watch a C-Span video of Morris talking about the book, click here.
6:39 AM 11/25/2017